CEU's Open Learning Initiative (OLIve) organizes weekend courses for refugees and asylum-seekers in Hungary. This includes English courses, career courses, an introduction to life and culture in Hungary, an academic course on human rights and academic tutoring to help students prepare university applications.

Refugee Crisis Response

As Budapest became the epicenter of a mass influx of refugees from war-torn countries in summer 2015—and the face of Europe's largest humanitarian crisis in decades—the CEU community came together to respond. True to our University's mission and role, CEU has attempted to meet the challenge and support the refugees by providing both humanitarian and academic assistance as well as scholarly analysis and expert commentary to the media on the subject.

Roma Access Programs (RAP)

Over the past 11 years, the flagship Roma Access Programs (RAP) prepared more than 250 outstanding Roma students for graduate-level education and to serve as role models and integration leaders for Roma communities. CEU is expanding and reorganizing its Roma programs under the umbrella of the Roma in European Societies initiative.