About the MENAS
The Middle East and North Africa Space (MENAS) is a research group dedicated to the study of issues related to the Middle East and North Africa. It is housed at the Central European University in Budapest, within the department of political science. The aim of MENAS is to bring together scholars working on these regions. It organizes events such as seminars, paper discussions, workshops, and social events such as movie nights and Arabic language practice.
Among the themes examined within the MENAS:
- Political and economic systems
- Political regime changes and transitions
- Revolutions
- Dictatorship and democracy
- Constitutions and legal systems
- Political Islam
- Islamist parties/ movements
- Migration studies
- Conflict, energy, and security issues
- Identity and ethnic groups
Our Activities
The MENAS activities can be divided into two main categories: MENAS Seminar Series and MENAS Workshop Series.
MENAS Seminar Series includes monthly public seminars on topics related to the MENA region by CEU faculty or students and by international guests. The aim of the series of seminars is to widen the research interests of CEU faculty and students and to promote collaborative work among them.
MENAS Workshop Series includes methods workshops that help students learn new skills, advance their method skills, and learn new software.