Course Schedules

* Please note that the schedules may be subject to change. Thank you for your understanding. *

MA Programs

Academic Year 2024/25

Orientation Week: Sep 2-6, 2024 Central CEU Orientation Sessions

Zero Week: Sep 9-13, 2024 + Department Orientations

Fall schedule MA 24-25


PhD Program

Schedules available at

Calendar 2024-25

Orientation Week, Sep 2-6
is an introductory week organized by CEU each year in the beginning of September to familiarize first-year students with CEU units and life in Vienna. 

Zero week, Sep 9-13
follows the Orientation Week every year, and consists of introductory classes that help students to decide which elective courses suit their interests the best. 

Fall Term 1st half: Sep 16 - Oct 25 (course registration: Sep 9 - Sep 23)

Oct 26: National holiday, CEU Vienna is officially closed.

No Classes ( Reading Week): Oct 28 - Nov 1

Nov 1: All Saints' Day, CEU Vienna is officially closed.

Fall Term 2nd half: Nov 4 - Dec 13
Dec 8: Immaculate Conception Day, CEU Vienna is officially closed.

Winter Term: Jan 7 - Mar 28 (course registration: Dec 9 - Jan 13)

No Classes (Spring Break): Mar 31 - Apr 4

Spring Term: Apr 7 - Jun 13 (course registration: Mar 24 - Apr 14)
Apr 21, May 1 and May 29 are holidays, CEU Vienna is officially closed.)