External Partnerships

For CEU, partnerships with other universities are an essential part of our open society mission. CEU partners with institutions and universities across the globe, offering opportunities for our students, faculty and researchers to benefit from and contribute to the development of new knowledge in a wide variety of fields. Partnerships with Hungarian institutions are of particular importance to CEU, which called Budapest home for more than two decades. Below please find more information on our department's partnerships with Hungarian and other international institutions.

Daniel Bochsler

  • Full professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences
  • Associate researcher (Privatdozent) at the Centre for Democracy Studies, Aarau, University of Zurich
  • Editorial board of the European Journal of Political Research
  • Editiorial board of the "Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva" (Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association)
  • Advisory board, Constitution-Level Election Archive (CLEA)
  • Currently ongoing research collaborations with the University of California at Irvine (Centre for the Study of Democracy), with ETH Zürich, and with McMaster University
  • Swiss Political Science Review, International Advisory Board

  • Swiss Expert Pool for Civil Peacebuilding

Matthijs Bogaards

  • Associate research fellow at the GIGA Institute for African Affairs, Hamburg, Germany

László Bruszt

  • Research collaboration with researchers at MTA Institute of Political Sciences
  • Organization of joint workshops with the NGO Hungarian Europe Society on the future of EU integration 
  • Ad hoc reviewing for OTKA, Hungarian National Scientific Research Grant

András Bozóki

  • Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Founder and former editor of the Politikatudományi Szemle (Hungarian Political Science Review)
  • Peer reviewer to Politikatudomanyi Szemle, Médiakutató, Intersections, and occasionally several other international journals
  • Member of the board of editorial associates of the Politikatudományi Szemle (Hungarian Political Science Review).
  • President of the Hungarian Political Science Association (2003-2005)
  • Chairman of the Political Science Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2011-2017)
  • Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Law and Government at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (1983-2020)
  • Recurrent visiting professor at Columbia University, New York (2004, 2009, 2015).
  • Participant in EU-sponsored international research (GLOCALMIG, EUROSPHERE, CITMODES).

Zsolt Enyedi

  • external member of the Political Science Doctoral School of Corvinus University
  • member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  •  peer reviewer of grant proposals (Bolyai, OTKA, etc.)
  • member of the advisory board of the Hungarian Political Science Review (Politikatudomanyi Szemle)
  • external reviewer of PhD dissertations at ELTE, Corvinus and National University of Public Service
  • former president of the Hungarian Political Science Association

Zoltán Miklósi

  • guest teaches political theory courses at Rajk College
  • occasionally serves on dissertation defense committee's at ELTE Institute of Philosophy, 
  • currently serves as a reviewer of the Social Science Section of OTDK
  • He referees for the Magyar Politikatudomanyi Szemle, Szociologiai Szemle, Magyar Filozofiai Szemle.

Judit Sándor

  • PI at the ERC Project LEVIATHAN: Taming the European Leviathan: The Legacy of Post-War Medicine and the Common Good

  • Institute for Global Law & Policy, Harvard Law School  (member of the Faculty since 2021)

  • WAML (World Association of Medical Law) governor

  • Falling Walls (member of the Jury since 2020)

  • ESOF ( Member of the Program Committee, Toulouse, Trieste, Leiden)

  • Member of the International Advisory Board, Dublin City University  

Carsten Schneider

  • Faculty at the Institute for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research (IQMR) of the American Political Science Association's (APSA) section on Qualitative and Multi-Method Research
  • Steering committee member and co-chair of the permanent design team of CIVICA, the European Social Science University, a consortium of ten leading European universities in the social sciences (www.civica.eu)
  • Management committee member of OSUN, the Open Society University Network (https://opensocietyuniversitynetwork.org/)
  • The Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professorship, a joint initiative of Central European University Vienna, Wirtschaftsuniversity Vienna, University of Vienna, the Wiener Volkshochschulen, and the International Karl Polanyi Society