Advanced Certificate Programs at CEU
CEU offers non-degree advanced certificate programs for its enrolled students. Conditions of eligibility may vary depending on the program. Please note that external applicants are not eligible to enroll.
Advanced Certificate Program in Ethics and Political Philosophy
The Advanced Certificate in Ethics and Political Philosophy at CEU delves into central issues in moral and political philosophy as examined in contemporary works. This program provides state-of-the-art education, familiarizing students with major theoretical approaches and equipping them to engage independently with philosophical arguments.
Advanced Certificate in Political Thought
The Advanced Certificate in Political Thought (ACPT) offers a comparative study of political thought from various perspectives, within and outside the Western canon. It emphasizes the historicity and contextuality of diverse political traditions, equipping students with analytical and methodological skills. The program covers comparative methods and intercultural, diachronic perspectives on political thought.
Advanced Certificate in Religious Studies
The Advanced Certificate in Religious Studies (SRS) is available to students in the two-year MA program. Coordinated by the CEU Center for Religious Studies, this non-degree certificate complements a degree in Political Science. Scholarships are available for qualified students, who should indicate their interest in their application.
Advanced Certificate in Central European Studies
The Advanced Certificate Program in Central European Studies offers MA students an interdisciplinary perspective on the region between the Baltic Sea and the Balkan Peninsula. It integrates history, economics, sociology, political science, environmental science, and cultural heritage studies. This program critically examines Central Europe as a social and cultural construct, providing insights into broader global issues through the region's experiences. CEU’s extensive record of research in this area has generated new approaches in mainstream theoretical and methodological frameworks.