Advanced Certificates

Advanced Certificate Program in Ethics and Political Philosophy
The Advanced Certificate in Ethics and Political Philosophy engages with the central problems in moral and political philosophy as they are generally understood and studied in contemporary philosophical works. It offers students a state-of-the art education in these subfields of philosophy, familiarizing them with the major theoretical approaches to these problems, enabling them to understand and engage with philosophical arguments on their own.

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Advanced Certificate in Political Thought
The Advanced Certificate in Political Thought (ACPT) engages in the comparative study of political thought from a variety of perspectives, both within and outside the Western canon. Special attention is given to the historicity of diverse political traditions but also to recurring themes and questions. Learning to recognize political thought, both past and present, as being time- and place-specific equips students, regardless of their major field of study, with additional analytical and methodological skills grounded in the appreciation of the contextual and intertextual aspects of diverse intellectual traditions. Beyond contextualization the students learn about comparative methods, addressing topics of political thought from intercultural and diachronic perspectives. 

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Advanced Certificate in Religious Studies
The CEU Department of Political Science offers for students in the two-year MA Program the opportunity to participate in the Specialization Religious Studies (SRS). Coordinated by the CEU Center for Religious Studies (, the SRS awards a non-degree certificate in Religious Studies, complementing your degree in Political Science.
The SRS offers a number of scholarships to qualified students, applicants should indicate this in their application. 
To find out more please visit:

Advanced Certificate in Central European Studies
The Advanced Certificate Program in Central European Studies, available for MA students, offers an interdisciplinary perspective on the lands between the Baltic Sea and the Balkan Peninsula as a geo-cultural region, bringing together history, economics, sociology, political science, environmental science, and cultural heritage studies. Its aim is not to pursue “area studies”, essentializing Central Europe on the grounds of supposedly endogenous, distinctive features that supposedly make it unique and incomparable. To a significant extent, regions are social and cultural constructions, representing symbolic as well as physical and human geographies. Central Europe and its experience, seemingly marginal in common perception, is a lens and prism through which problems of broader global relevance and implications can be fruitfully studied. At CEU, the three-decades-long record of MA theses, PhD dissertations, and other achievements and contributions in the participating units and their programs shows that the critical application of mainstream theoretical and methodological approaches to regional empirical material, while throwing light on that material, often also succeeds in giving a new direction to the mainstream itself and generates cutting-edge new approaches. The advanced certificate program will provide a systematic interdisciplinary framing to this endeavor.
For more information: Advanced Certificate in Central European Studies | Department of History (