
New Paper from Bartul Vuksan-Ćusa and Ellen C. Byrne

March 7, 2022

Congratulations to MA students Bartul Vuksan-Ćusa and Ellen C. Byrne for an accepted paper for this year's European Consortium for Political Research Joint Sessions. The paper, "Breaking Bad: Testing Populism in Terms of Scale and Subcomponents", looks at the operational limitations of existing populism scales and attempts to pinpoint these limitations by looking at the scale's subcomponents.

Methods Café: Assistance in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

March 3, 2022

Methods Café: Assistance in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 

The Department of Political Science wants to support MA students with methodological and technical questions they encounter in their ongoing research projects (e.g. MA thesis).

Our PhD students Franziska Wagner and Mehmet Yavuz are available for your questions every week!

Assistance in Qualitative Methods 

War against Ukraine: "An assault on the values of liberal democracy and open societies"

February 27, 2022

Statement from CEU President and Rector Shalini Randeria

February 26, 2022

I condemn the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia. What is taking place is an outrage. The war against Ukraine is an assault on the values of liberal democracy and open societies that CEU stands for. This brutal and cynical act of aggression violates the international norms and will inflict enormous suffering. Ukraine deserves all possible support to maintain its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

New Publication from Anil Duman

February 18, 2022

Prof. Duman's latest publication "Welfare Nationalism and Rising Prejudice against Migrants in Central and Eastern Europe" is in the book "Refugees on the Move. Crisis and Response in Turkey and Europe" (Berghahn Books).


Professor Carsten Q. Schneider appointed for the position of Pro-Rector

January 31, 2022

Congratulations to prof. Carsten Q. Schneider for his appointment as Pro-Rector for External Relations, starting February 1, 2022!

We congratulate other appointees:

Professor Agnes Batory in her new role as Pro-Rector for Research and Faculty;

Professor Tim Crane in his new role as Pro-Rector for Teaching and Learning;

Professor Eva Fodor in her new role as Pro-Rector for Foresight and Analysis;

Professor Laszlo Kontler in his new role as Pro-Rector for Budapest and KEE.