Faculty Spotlight

New Publication from Anil Duman

February 18, 2022

Prof. Duman's latest publication "Welfare Nationalism and Rising Prejudice against Migrants in Central and Eastern Europe" is in the book "Refugees on the Move. Crisis and Response in Turkey and Europe" (Berghahn Books).


Professor Carsten Q. Schneider appointed for the position of Pro-Rector

January 31, 2022

Congratulations to prof. Carsten Q. Schneider for his appointment as Pro-Rector for External Relations, starting February 1, 2022!

We congratulate other appointees:

Professor Agnes Batory in her new role as Pro-Rector for Research and Faculty;

Professor Tim Crane in his new role as Pro-Rector for Teaching and Learning;

Professor Eva Fodor in her new role as Pro-Rector for Foresight and Analysis;

Professor Laszlo Kontler in his new role as Pro-Rector for Budapest and KEE.

Democratic Hypocrisy and Out-group Threat: Explaining Citizen Support for Democratic Erosion

January 25, 2022

Congratulations to Levente Littvay and Gabor Simonovits and their co-author Jennifer McCoy (Georgia State University) for the article "Democratic Hypocrisy and Out-group Threat: Explaining Citizen Support for Democratic Erosion" published in the Journal of Politics.

New Publication from prof. Anil Duman

January 17, 2022

Congratulations to prof. Anil Duman for her recent publication "Mixed Perceptions of State Responsibility Among Informal Sector Participants in MENA" in Informality, Labour Mobility and Precariousness. Supplementing the State for the Invisible and the Vulnerable, ed. Abel Polese, 2022.

Abstract: Informality is growingly accepted to be an encompassing concept touching on all aspects of societies and how they are governed, which goes well beyond the contours of economic transactions.

New Publication from prof. Andras Bozoki

January 10, 2022

Congratulations to prof. Andras Bozoki for his recent publication "Viktor Orbán and János Kádár: A Post-communist and a Communist Autocrat in Hungary. A Comparative Analysis" in Klaus Larres ed. (2022), Dictators and Autocrats: Securing Power across Global Politics, London – New York: Routledge.

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