Supervision Interests

For more detail on the research interests and publications of faculty at the Department of Political Science, browse individual faculty profiles here, or access the profile of a particular faculty member directly by clicking on the name below.

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Faculty Research Interests Courses in Academic Year 2023/2024
Mariyana Angelova legislative politics, coalition governments, voter perceptions and behavior, surveys, experiments, EU policy-making and compliance Introduction to Statistics and Programming in R I, Introduction to Statistics and Programming with R II, Social Media and Democracy
Daniel Bochsler ethnic politics, Central and Eastern Europe, political transition/democratisation, elections, political institutions Elections and Democracy
Matthijs Bogaards Ethnic conflict, civil war, democratization, deliberative democracy, African politics, gender, terrorism, hybrid regimes. Comparative European Politics, Terrorism: A Comparative Politics Perspective
Andras Bozoki political and social change, democratization, Central European politics, hybrid regimes, political ideologies, democratic theory, elite theory, anarchism, the role of intellectuals Central Europe: Natural and Symbolic Geography – History, Culture, and Politics, Comparative Politics Group 2, Political Change: Evolution and Revolution, Political Ideologies and Intellectuals
Anil Duman (Head of Department) political economy, welfare states, social policy, inequality and labor markets Welfare States in the Current Era: Origins, Issues and Challenges
Zsolt Enyedi (MA Program Director) political institutions, representativeness of political parties,; party organization and party competition, authoritarianism, prejudices and political tolerance, religion in electoral behavior, church and state relations, party finance Ideologies and Politics of Illiberalism
Anca Gheaus moral and political philosophy, distributive justice, gender justice, childhood and childrearing, children and politics, the ethics of personal relationships, partiality The family: gender and childrearing
Inna Melnykovska business elites, business-government relations, patronal politics; hybrid regimes, competitive authoritarianism, defective democracy; rent-seeking, bad governance, authoritarian modernization; global capital mobility, financial regulations and off/onshore havens; EU Neighborhood Policy; NATO’s Partnership for Peace; Russia’s and China’s foreign policies and regional integration in Eurasia; research design, qualitative data, qualitative methods of data collection and analysis Process Tracing, Field Research, Interviewing and Qualitative Data Analysis, Hybrid and Illiberal Regimes, Introduction to Political Economy
Zoltan Miklosi moral and political philosophy, distributive justice, political obligation, democratic theory Introduction to Political Theory, Political Theory: Justice and Equality - Group 2
Andres Moles contemporary political and moral philosophy, liberalism, democratic theory, social and distributive justice Political Theory: Justice and Equality - Group 1
Judit Sandor Biopolitics, ethical, legal, social implications of health care and biotechnologies, privacy, reproductive rights, gender policies, biotechnological patents, enhancement, human rights New Technologies and Human Rights
Robert Sata Ethnic relations, minority rights, migration and citizenship issues, Roma rights, political discourse, populism and democratic decline, Europeanization, gender politics, media analysis Migration, Borders, Integration and Activism in Europe, Scope and Methods: Research Design and Techniques - MA2
Carsten Q. Schneider political regime change, political inequalities, set-theoretic methods in the social sciences, qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), comparative methodology and research design, autocratic regimes Comparative Case Study Research, Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Performing Basics and Advanced Analyses using R
Gabor Simonovits experiments, public opinion, surveys, prejudice, usa politics Introduction to Public Opinion, Political Communications, Political Behavior, Basics in Quantitative Research - Group 1
Imre Szabo comparative political economy, employment relations, labor movements, welfare states and public services The Future of Work - Challenges for Politics and Policy