Faculty Spotlight

"Genome Editing and the Law Around the World" by Judit Sandor

April 17, 2019

Judit Sandor guest-edited the March issue of the Newsletter of World Association For Medical Law.

Levi Littvay’s Three New Books Forthcoming in 2019

April 3, 2019

The Ideational Approach to Populism
Concept, Theory, and Analysis
Edited By Kirk A. Hawkins, Ryan E. Carlin, Levente Littvay, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser
Populism is on the rise in Europe and the Americas. Scholars increasingly understand populist forces in terms of their ideas or discourse, one that envisions a cosmic struggle between the will of the common people and a conspiring elite.

"Distributions and Relations: A Hybrid Account" by Andres Moles

April 1, 2019

Egalitarians - can the distributive and social sides of the debate merge to create a hybrid account? Andres Moles & Tom Parr examine the current divide in their new Political Studies article:

"Life from Skin: Gattaca 2.0" by Judit Sandor

March 20, 2019

Judit Sandor published a guest blog post on http://www.srhm.org/ in which she writes about the possibilities of stem cell research. A new epoch in the history of human reproduction arose with producing germ cells from adult somatic cells that has transgressed a boundary which had been seen as impermeable. What does the scientific planning or engineering of children predict about our future? 

You can read the full article here: Life from Skin: Gattaca 2.0

Zsolt Enyedi's Interview on the QS World University Ranking

March 19, 2019

Zsolt Enyedi, professor of the Department of Political Science and also Pro-Rector for Hungarian Affairs, was interviewed by the Hungarian television channel ATV last week about CEU's outstanding performance in the 2019 QS World University Ranking in seven fields, and he also talked about the current situation of CEU.