Faculty Spotlight

Meet Our Faculty - Anil Duman, Associate Professor

January 23, 2020

✏️ Ever wonder about the lives of faculty and staff outside of the classroom? Please welcome our next guest – Anil Duman, Associate Professor in Department of Political Science, and Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations at CEU.

Check out the weekly spot from our MA students Burcu Kısaç and Dauren Koptleuov: interviews, in which our dear faculty and staff tell about the other part of their lives – the one you’ve always been afraid to ask about!

Levente Littvay: "We need to build a new home, a new learning community in a new country."

January 15, 2020

Dear Friends of CEU,

Despite the decade actually ending in 2021, apparently 2020 is the actual season of taking stock of the past 10 years. I spent the last few weeks avoiding all expositions of this genre that Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and etc. have been trying to serve up. Now, I find myself being asked to write such a piece. What a great idea actually. (Isn’t it funny how the world works?) OK. Where to start? Right! In 2010.

D. Bochsler's Co-Authored Publication in International Peacekeeping

January 14, 2020

Daniel Bochsler's co-authored publication "Turning International Intervention into Domestic Cooperation in Post-War Societies" is out now in International Peacekeeping Journal.

"Caesarean politics in Hungary and Poland" Co-Authored by Robert Sata Is Open Access

January 8, 2020

You can now read Robert Sata and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski's publication of "Caesarean politics in Hungary and Poland" in East European Politics as it is open access.