
Carsten Q. Schneider: Our department cherishes critical but constructive thinking

January 19, 2018

When I joined CEU more than 13 years ago, I could not imagine how big an impact the university and my department would have on my life - both as a scholar and a human being. The interesting thing is that this experience of transformation is shared by almost everyone - professors, staff, and students. There is hardly anyone who leaves CEU in the same shape and mindset as she or he has entered it. We at CEU and in particular our department cherish critical but constructive thinking. We teach respect for the other without shying away from debates.

Nenad Dimitrijevic: Apply to our programs - we listen and care

January 18, 2018

If you are concerned with the social and political condition in your country, or if you want to articulate your worries about the world affairs, apply to our programs. You will discuss these and related issues in the community of equals. We listen and care.

Nenad Dimitrijevic

Application info:

Zsolt Enyedi: Choose a world-class education

January 17, 2018

Fortunately or unfortunately, politics in the world is as exciting as ever. At the Department we do our best to convey this excitement and to provide the skills that allow you - future students - to analyze and understand the quickly changing reality. As someone who was lucky to be a student once at the Department, and now is a faculty, I can wholeheartedly recommend the experience of joining our increasingly multicultural community.

Janos Kis: Why Political Science?

January 16, 2018

Why does it make sense for you to apply to the Political Science Department at CEU? First, because this is a center of learning and research of excellence. Since many years, we are among the top 50 Departments of Political Science in the world, and among the top 15 in Europe.

Gabor Toka: Apply to our programs!

January 15, 2018

"The composition of the CEU student body went through many breathtaking changes over the years. What has been most striking in the last few years is the increasingly global reach of the University. This also became an important factor in the recognition given to CEU in the International ranking of universities and programs. When you discuss things in a classroom with ten students coming from four different continents, you quickly understand why that is considered such a major factor in adding value to your Education."