Zsolt Enyedi: Choose a world-class education

January 17, 2018

Fortunately or unfortunately, politics in the world is as exciting as ever. At the Department we do our best to convey this excitement and to provide the skills that allow you - future students - to analyze and understand the quickly changing reality. As someone who was lucky to be a student once at the Department, and now is a faculty, I can wholeheartedly recommend the experience of joining our increasingly multicultural community. While we became more sophisticated in methodological terms across the years, our fundamental goal hasn’t changed:  to provide students with world-class education. Whether you are interested in the politics of religion or of economy, the functioning of the individual psyche or the communication of mass societies, whether you are empirically, normatively, institutionally or theoretically oriented, you will feel at home. You will leave being well equipped for world that needs open-minded and knowledgeable young intellectuals.

CEU has experienced some difficult months, but the we are stronger than before.  Please spread the news that CEU remained one of the best places to study political sciences, and with the new campus it is more a fun-place than ever. Please remind talented potential applicants in your environment that the deadline for application is approaching. Thank you very much for your efforts.

Zsolt Enyedi

Application info: https://politicalscience.ceu.edu/apply-now 

