
New article by Daniel Bochsler in open access

July 25, 2022

"Checkmate? Corporate Power-sharing, Liberal Voting Rights and the Kosovo Supreme Court", Ethnopolitics, 2022.

Read the article

Graduate MA students present report for Amnesty International Austria

June 29, 2022

Students from the MA in Political Science and Nationalism Studies departments, enrolled in the Field Research and Qualitative Data Analysis course, presented a report for Amnesty International Austria on civic engagement of the youth. The report details the findings of the project work “interview lab”, which constitutes the practical exercise of the course in drafting the interview guide, conducting interviews, coding and analyzing interviews’ transcripts with QDA software and visualizing findings of qualitative data analysis.

New Publication co-authored by Anca Gheaus

May 30, 2022

A new article co-authored by dr. Anca Gheaus has been published in Oxford University Press.

"COVID vaccine prioritization in low- and middle-income countries may justifiably depart from high-income countries’ age priorities".

European Youth Parliament at CEU

May 6, 2022
Last weekend, CEU Political Science Department hosted the National Session Vienna 2022 of the European Youth Parliament Austria - EYP Austria. It was an official event of the ongoing European Year of Youth. Over 120 participants were debating pressing issues of our times under the theme of “Overcoming Challenges – Designing Tomorrow.”
We were happy to welcome European youth to Central European University in Vienna!

"The problem of equal moral status" by Zoltan Miklosi

April 11, 2022

"One of the central puzzles of contemporary moral and political philosophy is that while most of us believe that all or almost all human beings enjoy the same moral status, human beings possess the capacities that supposedly ground moral status to very unequal levels."

Zoltan Miklosi's new paper has been published in SAGE Journals: