Arete: Undergraduate Essay Competition

November 28, 2022

The Political Science Department at Central European University invites students to its first Undergraduate Essay Competition.


1. The winning essay(s) will be published on the departmental website
2. The best submissions will receive signed certificates of excellence from the CEU Political Science Department.  
3. In case the winners get enrolled in CEU Political Science Department’s MA programs, the certificates are accompanied by financial prizes to support studying at CEU:

  • First place prize:  one-time grant of €500
  • Second place prize: one-time grant of €200 

Participation in this competition is an achievement unto itself and can be discussed in interviews, on CVs, and in personal statements for universities.

Participation is open to all BA graduates and BA students in the last year of their studiesStudents from any country can participate.


1. Authoritarian and populist challenges to democracy.

2. Overcoming war in Europe – a new era of democratic support?

3. Saving democracy – passive citizens, fake news, and mediatization.

Rules & Requirements

1. Choose one topic

2. Submit an essay in Word format

3. 1200 words maximum (not including bibliography)

4. Double spaced

5. English

6. Font: Times New Roman, size 12

7. Any citation style is acceptable, as long as it is consistent


1. Independent piece. Plagiarism is a serious case of academic misconduct and will be met with disqualification.

2. Essays should be concise, analytical, and imaginative

3. Clarity of the argument 

4. Clear structure 

How to Enter

To enter, fill out the form below with your details. You will receive then a personal link through which you will upload your essay in Word format.


23:59 CET, 13th of January 2023

Register for the competition

In case of any questions please send an e-mail to <>.

Good luck!

