Faculty Spotlight

New Article from Daniel Bochsler

March 1, 2023
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In his new article, Daniel Bochsler discusses which referendums are particularly prone to fraud, and methods of how this fraud can be detected. 
Bochsler, Daniel (2023) 'Vorsicht, Abstimmungsdetektive. Wahlforensik in der direkten Demokratie', Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie: 13-33. (Open Access)

CEU Professor Judit Sandor Gave a Speech at the Vatican

March 1, 2023
28th General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life

Professor Judit Sándor represented the Central European University at the 28th General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, which was held in Vatican City between February 20 and 22, 2023. The conference focused on the theme “Converging on the Person: Emerging Technologies for the Common Good” and it brought together more than 200 notable academics and researchers from the most prestigious universities and research centers in the world, as well as the representatives of UNESCO and WHO. The president of the European Group of Ethics was also present at this high-level global meeting on bioethics.

Anil Duman appointed as Head of Department

January 9, 2023
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We are pleased to announce that Anil Duman has been appointed as the Head of the Department of Political Science for a two-year term, effective as of January 1, 2023. Congratulations!

New Publication from Daniel Bochsler

January 9, 2023
Daniel Bochsler

Mixed electoral systems used to be the odd ones out, but they have become commonplace in democracies around the world, as legislators aim to combine proportional representation with direct elections in local districts. In this new article, Daniel Bochsler identifies the magic balance between district and party seats:


Daniel Bochsler's new article in Democratization

December 22, 2022
Daniel Bochsler

Power-sharing in ethnically divided societies relies on group representation. We know surprisingly little about the latter. Daniel Bochsler's new article in Democratization

1. conceptualises group representation,

2. identifies novel violations of the one-person-one-vote principle, and

3. explains the legitimacy crisis of power-sharing democracies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Lebanon.