Erasmus Study Grant for Students of the department

Erasmus Study Grant

All two-year MA and PhD students enrolled in a degree program at CEU are eligible to apply regardless of their nationality.

CEU students may spend 1 or 2 semesters (3 to max.12 months) at a partner university under the Erasmus+ Study Mobility Program. Students receive a grant, which is a contribution to travel and the cost of living and studying in another country. Applicants are selected for an Erasmus+ grant on the basis of academic ability and the relevance of the proposed study plan to their studies at CEU. 

Student exchange within the ERASMUS scheme is possible between partner institutions with a bilateral agreement. The Political Science Department is proud to have a high number of study agreements with various institutions across Europe to enable Erasmus Exchanges for students. 

Students taking part - including zero-grant - are exempted from paying fees for tuition, registration, examinations and access to laboratory and library facilities at the receiving institution. However, small fees may be charged for costs such as insurance, student unions and the use of miscellaneous material such as photocopies, laboratory products, on the same basis as these are charged to local students.

The applicant must remain enrolled in a degree program during the entire study period abroad, continue to pay tuition fees, return at the end of the study period and complete their program at CEU. 

Full academic recognition for the study period carried out abroad must be ensured before departure, generally by means of an ECTS Learning Agreement. 

 The amount of the grant depends on the receiving country.

  • 500 EUR/month for Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom
  • 450 EUR/month for Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Luxemburg, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, The Netherlands and Turkey
  • 400 EUR/month for Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Poland, Romania and Slovakia
  • Students are also given the chance to participate in the Erasmus program without receiving any grant, that is, through their own financial mean (zero-grant).

The grant will be paid in two instalments: 80% pre-financing upon the signature of the grant contract and 20% at the end of the exchange period, upon the returning of all documentation and the submission of the online EU survey. All payments are processed through bank transfer.
They may be asked to partially or fully reimburse the EU grant received if they fail to complete and submit the final online report.

Incomplete and e-mailed application forms will not be accepted, late applications will not be considered. Applicants will be notified about the application decisions within 5 weeks after the deadline.

Who can apply?

- Students in the two-year MA program should apply for Erasmus Exchange only upon completion of their second semester and prior to the winter semester of their graduation year.

- Doctoral students should apply for Erasmus Exchange only after passing the comprehensive exam and the prospectus defense.

- Students can apply only for Erasmus Exchange programs that involve taking academic courses. The department is unable to accept credits for internship programs.

Exceptions to these rules are at the discretion of the Head of Department.

How to apply?

1. Students that intend to apply for an Erasmus Exchange should seek out the departmental coordinator and faculty member in charge of administering the Erasmus program.

2. Applicants should select a host institution for the Erasmus study period from among the CEU's Erasmus Partner Institutions and indicate the courses they intended to register for at the receiving institution in order to assess whether these would satisfy credit requirements for their degree at CEU. Only those applications will be endorsed by the department that meet the above criteria.

3.The Erasmus program of the CEU is coordinated by the Academic Cooperation and Research Office (ACRO). ACRO announces several calls for applications per year; students must follow the deadlines for these calls. Applicants have to submit a completed application form, learning agreement, the acknowledgment of the receiving institution, and two letters of recommendation.

Applicants should also study the Departmental Policy on Erasmus Exchange for Students.

  • Prepare a Motivation letter, CV and your Study Plan
  • Get two original recommendation letters from CEU supervisor/lecturer (signed hard copy will be requested) Letters can be sent via email only by the recommender to, with a subject: “Recommendation Letter_Name of the Applicant”.
  • Prepare your Transcript of Records (unofficial copy)
  • Fill out and save the Application Form on the Application Platform

For the most up-to-date information on the exact application deadlines and details of application please consult the ACRO website: 

