Tom Gilloch Boy'2 year MA

January 12, 2022

How was the fall semester for you? What were the highs and lows?

The fall semester was exciting and challenging. Moving to a new city and country provided both challenges and opportunities. I found Vienna to be a really lovely place to live. It was great to return to the classroom after a period away following my undergraduate degree. having attended a big university for my undergrad, it felt nice to work in smaller classes and get to know people more on an individual level. I had wanted to start with quite a broad variety of classes, so the structure of the program felt well suited to me. I now feel confident that I have my area of interest more clearly defined moving forward. A low point was going online. Highs were more varied. Academically, I simply enjoyed being back in the classroom and university setting. Performing mostly well in mid-terms was nice when it happened too!

What are your expectations for the winter semester? Are you stressed, nervous, excited, curious?

My expectation for the winter semester is that it will feel less intense. With the organizational side f living in Vienna mostly sorted, I feel I can give greater attention to enjoying myself when not at university or studying, and thus get a better work-life balance. therefore, I am excited, as I feel ready for the workload, with the knowledge that I can relax a bit more outside the classroom. I will also be doing more classes in my areas of interest, which now that I feel confident that I am in the right area, sounds exciting!

Will you be making any changes this semester based on what you learned in the fall semester?

One less class is nice! I think one thing I would like to do more is utilise the library and the wide range of resources available here. As I explore more deeply in my subject area it is important to access as many resources as possible. I also want to utilise office hours better, to speak to staff and get their input and perspectives.

Author: Ellen C. Byrne, one-year MA student 
