December 3, 2021

What did you study before joining CEU/where?

I studied psychology at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary) and data science at Tilburg University (Tilburg, the Netherlands).

Why did you choose to apply to the Political Science department at CEU?

During my psychology studies, I became interested in political psychology. After graduation, I wanted to further develop my skills in quantitative research methods and statistics, and also stay in the field of social sciences. The Political Science MA program just fits the bill and the academic excellence of the program, the good scholarship opportunities, and the relatively close distance to my home also made my decision easier.

What activities did you do before joining CEU which in your opinion helped you receive the scholarship?

In Budapest, I was an active member of a college for advanced studies, which is a special form of an educational institution with a self-organizing community of students. In this college, we organized several courses, conferences, and several other activities. It really helped me to become a more proactive and socially sensitive person.

How has receiving the scholarship facilitated your student life?

The less I have to stress about how I will make ends meet by the end of the month, the more I can concentrate on my studies.

The Alumni Scholarship requires you to give back to the CEU community by doing voluntary work etc. What activities have you taken part in so far or are planning to take part in?

I joined the Peer Advising at CEU, where every student can contact us if they feel that they need someone to talk with. I also participated in a departmental webinar during the Open House and I’m planning to make contact with my previous university in Budapest to organize a recruitment presentation.

What advice would you give to applicants planning on applying for the Alumni Scholarship this year?

Try to be not the best, but the most self-identical candidate. Do not take it personally if you are eventually rejected, there are far more great applications than available scholarships. 
