
Zoltan Miklosi: Come and be part of this special experience

January 25, 2018

I consider it one of the greatest fortunes of my life that I have met so many committed and serious students from so many different parts of the world at the Political Science Department at CEU. The experience has transformed me in many ways, big and small. I am sure the same holds for most of us, students and faculty. Come and be part of this special experience!

Zoltan Miklosi
ead of Department 

Top 10 Application Tips

January 24, 2018

Need help with your CEU application?
Check our useful tips below to make sure you don’t miss anything:

1.      Watch our how-to video with CEU students Petr and Zhuldyz, which will guide you through the entire application process.

Laszlo Bruszt: Come to CEU, if you need generous financial support

January 24, 2018

Come to CEU if you would like to study political sciences in one of the leading departments of the discipline in Europe, if you would like to learn from internationally respected professors who encourage critical thinking based on ambitious theorizing and sophisticated methods.  Come to CEU if you would like to study together with students coming from four continents, if you would like to explore politics in a learning environment based on the promotion of scholarly pluralism.

Levente Littvay: Apply to us to be an excellent researcher and professional

January 23, 2018

The skills you need to be an excellent researcher are the same skills you need to be successful in all sectors. Produce high quality work even under intense time and workload pressure, read and process large amounts of information, creativity, advanced analytical, good communication and presentation abilities, good writing skills in several languages with a pinch of global networking and ability to function in culturally diverse environments.

Andras Bozoki: Apply to CEU, the most cosmopolitan university of the world

January 22, 2018

At times of populism, ethno-nationalism, and illiberalism thinking about the future of democracy is even more important than it was before. Besides other topics, professors at the Department of Political Science are focusing on contemporary issues in comparative politics.