Alumni Testimonials

Maria Stanisheva (MA '03)

January 15, 2020

Film director, producer and founder of ANIMADOCS

"The MA program was unique as it was specifically designed for the change that was happening in Central and Eastern Europe at that point in time and it gave me an incredible insight into critical thinking and contemporary political thought."

Ioana Petre (MA '11, PhD '16)

January 6, 2020

Policy Officer at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation

Ivan Vukovic (PhD '14)

December 13, 2019

Mayor of Podgorica, Montenegro 

Chirayu Thakkar (MA '19)

December 11, 2019

Manager to a Member of Parliament in India

"I am Chirayu Thakkar, a recent graduate from the CEU Political Science Department. Before coming to CEU, I read a master’s degree in Modern South Asian Studies at the University of Oxford. Currently, I am working as a manager to a Member of Parliament in India, looking after his administrative, political, and legislative affairs. I am also working as a consultant for various regional governments and NGOs that design projects aimed at bringing youth closer to governance.

Akop Gabrielyan (MA '14)

February 25, 2019

Executive Assistant to Founder & CEO at Teach For Armenia Foundation "Today I visited CEU, where a Master's degree was received some years ago. Referring to the years of my study here, I always remember these years with satisfaction and the feeling of pride, as I didn't betrayed my views, remained loyal to the idea of academic impartiality..."