Methods Café: Assistance in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

March 3, 2022

Methods Café: Assistance in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 

The Department of Political Science wants to support MA students with methodological and technical questions they encounter in their ongoing research projects (e.g. MA thesis).

Our PhD students Franziska Wagner and Mehmet Yavuz are available for your questions every week!

Assistance in Qualitative Methods 

Franziska Wagner can assist MA students with methodological and technical questions for projects relying on qualitative research designs, including questions on the collection/generation of qualitative data and their analysis with qualitative data software (e.g., Maxqda, NVivo).


Book a consultation with Franziska:

Assistance in Quantitative Methods 

Mehmet Yavuz can assist MA students with methodological and technical questions for projects relying on quantitative research designs. You can approach Mehmet with questions on variable measurement (DV, IV, control variables), hypotheses tests, regression models, regression diagnostics, causal inference, and fixing mistakes in your R code. 


Book a consultation with Mehmet:

