Apply to teach for the Socrates Project this academic year!

October 1, 2021
Apply to teach for the Socrates Project this academic year!
The Socrates Project is currently delivering university-level courses in German and English to underprivileged adults in the wider Viennese community. Socrates Project classes are exciting, discussion-driven fora where you can explore topics of your choosing with engaged, non-traditional adult students who are keen to learn and study but have never had the opportunity of university education before.
We have need of instructors to teach in German, Turkish, and Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian for our next course modules starting in January 2022, taught to the theme of “Freedom and Society”. Each module consists of 6 consecutive classes taught on weekday evenings (18:00-20:30) once per week. The total number of teaching hours is 15 for one module. Classes should be structured as discussions based on assigned readings and taught at a first-year undergraduate level.
Course teaching is paid at competitive rates consistent with existing teaching salaries.
To find out more about our unique program and learn how to apply to teach for us, please come to the following INFO SESSION:
When: Wednesday 6 October, 12:30 – 13:30
Where: Senate Room, 3rd Floor at CEU QS, Vienna (hybrid event)
Please pre-register by sending an email to
Read more about our project in this CEU news item: 
To find out more about this opportunity and the application process, see this webpage: You may apply now or after the info session. Deadline for applications is Sunday 10 October.
If you would prefer to participate in the INFO SESSION online please indicate this in your email and we will provide a Zoom link.
