Call for Application: 4 years PhD position at University of Bergen

September 21, 2021

The Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen is advertising a 4 years PhD position to work on the project INSTAPARTY: Party Instability in Parliaments funded by the Norwegian Research Council. 

Party Instability in Parliaments (INSTAPARTY) examines patterns, causes and electoral consequences of party instability resulting from legislative party switching. The project is led by Raimondas Ibenskas (PI, University of Bergen), Sona Golder (co-PI, Penn State University) and Allan Sikk (co-PI, University College London). The PhD fellow will write a doctoral dissertation on the topic related to the project goals. 25% of the position is allocated to teaching duties at the Department of Comparative Politics. The successful candidate will be jointly supervised by three PIs in the project, and should have a good MA degree in political science or related social science disciplines, basic or intermediate quantitative methods skills, and some experience using statistical software packages. The application deadline is October 11th. For more information, please contact Raimondas Ibenskas ( and check the ad of the position:

