Gina Donoso, New Visiting Professor

September 8, 2020
We'd like you to join us in welcoming aboard our new visiting professor, Gina Donoso.
Gina Donoso holds a PhD in Psychology from Ghent University (Belgium). She is currently a visiting professor at the Department of Political Sciences, Central European University. She also works as clinical psychologist, and as a gender-based violence, transitional justice and reparations specialist, with an extensive field experience in supporting victims and communities involved in violence and social catastrophes. Dr Donoso has a comprehensive academic background in peace and conflict studies, human rights and humanitarian assistance. She has developed substantial experience in critical qualitative methods and participatory-action research.
Over the past 15 years, she has worked with several organizations, including the International Criminal Court (The Hague, Democratic Republic of Congo), United Nations for Women (UN Woman-Jordan), United Nations Development Program (UNDP-Iraq), United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (Kenya, China, India), Justice Rapid Response (Uganda’s National Prosecutor Office, Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Gambia and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP)-Colombia), Grupo de Acción Comunitaria (GAC), the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support platform (, Peace Brigades International (PBI- Colombia), the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (Costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina, Guatemala), the Truth Commission of Ecuador, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS, Ecuador).
Dr Donoso will teach the MA course Critical Qualitative Research Methods and the new MA in International Public Affairs courses Transitional Justice and Fostering Peace in Divided Societies.
