New Paper "Cosmopolitanism and Unipoliarity: the Theory of Hegemonic Transition" by Zoltan Miklosi and Jelena Belic Now Online

May 22, 2020

We are pleased to share that the new paper "Cosmopolitanism and Unipoliarity: the Theory of Hegemonic Transition" by Zoltan Miklosi and Jelena Belic is now online in the Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.

They argue in the paper that the transition to a cosmopolitan institutional order involves a moral coordination problem: there are multiple, morally equivalent paths to get there, none of which is clearly salient. Therefore, a successful transition may be thwarted even under idealized motivational assumptions on the part of states and other agents. We argue that under such circumstances it is morally permissible for the most powerful state to unilaterally steer the transition process. The most powerful state (the hegemonic state) is in a unique position to provide salient coordination points for others, giving them reasons to follow its lead. The paper enlists insights from IR's Hegemonic Stability Theory in support an account of cosmopolitan transition

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