Meet Our Faculty - Attila Folsz, Assistant Professor & MA Programs Director

November 21, 2019

Ever wonder about the lives of faculty outside of the classroom? Please welcome our third guest – Attila Folsz, Assistant Professor and MA Program Director at CEU Political Science Department. ⠀

Scroll down to check out the weekly spot from our MA students Burcu Kısaç and Dauren Koptleuov: interviews, in which our dear faculty and staff tell about the other part of their lives – the one you’ve always been afraid to ask about:

Q: What are your hobbies and interests?
A: I have several, perhaps even too many. As for those completely non-intellectual: outdoor activities, like marathon running, road biking and hiking – being a bit acrophobic I prefer deep gorges to high peaks.
I also like growing Mediterranean plants. I have a wide variety of Oleander species –and regularly give away those grown too big…

Q: What is your life motto?
A: Hmmmm… I could pretend to have one, since I have several quotes or bons mots in my memory that I like to invoke in given situations, but would be unfair to highlight one.

Q: What is your favorite place in Vienna so far, if there is any?
A: I do not know Vienna well. So far, I would name the Dunaukanal embankment: very tranquil and atmospheric in the middle of the city - but I imagine the summer vibe there as well. I wish Budapest had something similar! This is my usual running itinerary in Vienna.

Q: What is your ideal Friday night-out?
A: Visiting a cozy little pub or jazz club with friends.

Q: If you had a chance to invite anyone to a dinner party, who would it be and why?
A: Hm… Strangely enough the first person who came to my mind is Viktor Orbán. I had known him long ago, and would just be a bit of (of course, completely futile, I know) satisfaction to confront him with his betrayed and denied past.

Q: Describe yourself as a student.
A: l was quiet non-conformist and dissatisfied with formal education. Preferred extracurricular (academic, intellectual, political, etc.) adventures.

Q: List three benefits of choosing academia as your career path.
1. You are paid for doing your hobby.
2. You can do it with relatively low level of hypocrisy.
3 .Could be relatively stress-free (but it was a particularly naïve expectation).

Q: What one advice would you give to our students?
A: Take it seriously easy!
