Ivan Nikolovski (MA '17)

June 25, 2018
Decorative image

Junior researcher at the Institute for Democracy ‘Societas Civilis’ – Skopje and President of JEF Macedonia – Macedonian national section of the Young European Federalists movement

"The primary reason for choosing the 2-year master program in Political Science at CEU was to upgrade my knowledge of the state-of-the-art and gain the necessary research skills. But CEU offered me more than that. The challenging environment based on academic excellence became my second home. I had the privilege and honor to learn from the most brilliant minds in the field of Political Science. At CEU, I also had the opportunity to meet inspiring people from all around the globe, which I proudly call my friends for life. My stay at Nador utca 9, 11, 13, and 15 and Kerepesi út 87 made me more socially aware and active as well. CEU has indeed opened many new horizons for my personal, professional, and academic development and therefore it is the experience I am most proud of and will never forget."
