Methods Café: Assistance in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

April 18, 2024

Methods Café is an initiative by the Department of Political Science to support MA and BA students with methodological and technical questions they encounter in their ongoing research projects (e.g. MA thesis, BA thesis). Our PhD students from the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, Cagla Ekin Guner and Ildar Daminov are available for your questions every week in person or online.

Assistance in Qualitative Methods

Cagla Ekin Guner / Room B402/ can assist MA students with methodological and technical questions for projects relying on qualitative research designs, including methods (e.g., case study, process tracing), questions on the collection/generation of qualitative data (e.g., designing and conducting interviews, survey design) and their analysis (e.g., thematic analysis, concept formation, qualitative coding) with qualitative data software(e.g., Nvivo, MaxQda). Book a consultation with Ekin using this link in Calendly

When filling in the Calendly form, add a short note about what your question is. This helps Ekin to prepare in advance.Please note that Ekin offers both zoom and in-person meetings. You can state your preference in Calendly.

She will not be available on the week of 6-12th of May. On the week of 13-19th of May, she is only available for zoom meetings.

Assistance in Quantitative Methods

Ildar Daminov /Room C401/ is a 2nd year PhD student in Political Science (Political Economy track). He can assist MA students with methodological and technical questions for projects relying on quantitative research designs. You can approach Ildar with any questions on variable measurement (DV, IV, control variables), hypotheses tests, regression models, regression diagnostics, causal inference, and fixing mistakes in your R code. Ildar can also assist you with basic/intermediate questions in the area of machine learning related to quantitative text analysis. Book a consultation with Ildar using this link in Calendly

When filling in the Calendly form, add a short note about what your question is. This helps Ildar to prepare in advance.





