New Faculty Members Joining the Department

August 27, 2020

Amid this uncertain time, please let us share some good news with you: As the result of the tedious selection process conducted by the faculty and students, new faculty members will be affiliated with the Department of Political Science from AY2020/2021.

Mariyana Angelova will join the Department of Political Science at CEU as Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics. She received her PhD in political science at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim in Germany in February 2019. Her research focuses on legislative policy-making and voter behavior in parliamentary democracies. She studies strategic timing of reforms, agenda setting, reform productivity and EU policy making and compliance in stable and challenging times. She also investigates perceptions and political behavior of voters in coalition settings. During her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral time she worked as a project researcher on “Strong vs. Weak Governments and the Challenge of Economic Reforms”, “Legislative Reforms and Party Competition” and “European Legislative Responses to International Terrorism” at the University of Vienna and the University of Mannheim. She is actively involved in fielding panel survey questions and survey experiments within the German Internet Panel (GIP), as well as cross country surveys in Central and Western European countries. Her work has been published in journals including the British Journal of Political ScienceEuropean Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Electoral Studies and the Journal of European Public Policy. Mariyana will teach the Political Science MA courses Parties and Party Systems, Voting Behavior, Introduction to Political Institutions and the Master of International Public Administration course Media Systems and Democracy.

Anca Gheaus is a political philosopher who is interested in justice and the normative significance of personal relationships. She worked at various universities in Europe, is the co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Childhood and Children and published numerous journal articles and book chapters, primarily on issues concerning childrearing and gender justice. Currently she is writing a monograph on child-centred childrearing, under contract with Oxford University Press. Anca, as Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics, will deliver the MA course Global Justice and the PhD courses Childrearing in political philosophy and Theories of Justice.

Matthijs Bogaards, who has been with the department as visiting faculty since 2015, was selected to the position of Associate Professor in Comparative Politics. Matthijs will teach the MA courses Scope and Methods, Terrorism: A Comparative Politics Perspective, Introduction to Comparative Politics: History, Topics, and Methods, Introduction to Comparative Methodology and the PhD-level course Political Institutions.

Very warm welcome for our/old new colleagues!

