Call for Abstracts: The World after the Pandemic - Virtual Conference

April 14, 2020

The World after the Pandemic
facing reality | finding hope

Date: May 29 – 30, 2020

The first-ever BISLA Virtual Conference is held in partnership with Central European University and Bard College in Berlin. This student-organized online conference aims to utilize this global turning point in history in the form of COVID-19. The organizers intend to create a virtual space for students and experts from a variety of fields to share their research and views of the matter which concerns us all.

The conference will be divided into two days—29-30 May 2020—according to two core themes: facing reality and finding hope.

Facing reality
At this point, everybody is more than aware our societies have already changed because of the global problem we are facing. That is why it is important to study and reflect upon what kind of influence COVID-19 will have on all of the areas of our lives. Not only the health system, politics and world economies are being tested right now, but this situation has and will have an impact on, including but not limited to, human rights, environment, education, relationships, etc. We welcome a broad range of perspective reflecting the issue.

Finding hope
However, do these changes bring only negative consequences or is it possible to find hope in this unpredictable time as well? Now more than ever, it is important to focus on the positives. That is why we would more than welcome from the participants to not only focus on reflecting the reality as it is but also to bring some suggestions about how this society can benefit even from such troubling times.

Call for abstracts:

