Message from the Head of Department - teaching moves online

March 11, 2020

"Dear All,

As you have heard, because of COVID19, all CEU teaching will move online starting next week. This will be an entirely new situation for all of us: both students and faculty will have to cope with it and learn. I ask for your patience and cooperation, as I will ask all faculty to do their best to adjust, and to respond to emails from you with special care and urgency. We will get through this together.

In the meantime, I would like to ask you to don't make any arrangements to leave Budapest (either to visit home or for some other purpose). It may be difficult to travel back, if needed, and we need to maintain continuity of operations as much as possible.

All the best, and don't forget to wash your hands and take care of each other!



If you have any questions in re: Covid-19, please contact Unless you are exhibiting symptoms or have been in contact with a person who is diagnosed with the virus, DO NOT contact the medical centre. Leave our medical staff to concentrate on those needing attention.  No members of our community are currently displaying symptoms.

