Call for papers: CEU MENAS Online Journal

January 21, 2020

The Middle East and North Africa Space is pleased to call for papers for its first MENAS online journal edition.

The aim of the online journal is to give both students (BA- MA- PhD- Postdocs) and faculty from all units the opportunity to advance current research papers. We welcome papers from any college or university. All submissions will undergo double-blind peer review before publication.

The journal’s goal is to provide a platform for all disciplines with a focus on issues from the Middle East and North Africa region. Countries such as Sudan to the South, and Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan to the far East are also considered part of the Middle East. Papers can address contemporary and historical questions and use various methodological approaches for analysis. Accepted papers will be published in the MENAS journal on the CEU official website by the end of the academic year.

Submission rules
Authors should submit an abstract (max 250 words) by the 20th of February 2020. Authors of accepted abstracts will be then notified and will be expected to submit their final papers by the 30th of June 2020. Papers will be reviewed by peers (MA and PhD students) and faculty from CEU depending on their research focus.

Abstracts need to be submitted online HERE.

20th of February 2020 submission of abstracts (max 250 words)
6th of March 2020 notification about acceptance via email
30th of June 2020 submission of final papers (papers should be between 2000 and 3000 words excluding abstracts, references, and footnotes)
30th of August 2020 publications on the CEU official website

If you have any questions related to the journal, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

