Call for papers - 14th CEU Annual Doctoral Conference

February 11, 2019


CEU’s Doctoral School for Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations invites PhD candidates of the related academic fields to submit paper proposals for its upcoming 14th Annual Doctoral Conference (March 27-29th). We seek submissions that might fit one of the following workshops:


Raising a Polanyian question, how do societies of market economies react to instability and what are the sources of that instability the workshop aims to bring together scholars working on various aspects “instability” (i.e. economic, social and political instability). The workshop addresses the following questions: how and where do markets create instability? How does economic instability turn into social instability? Finally, what are the limits of the politics of depoliticization in societies regulated by the market? We welcome submissions from a broad variety of scholars from political science, sociology, public policy and economics.


Originally introduced by Charles Ragin in 1987, qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) is getting more used in social sciences. The workshop will provide a platform for students of political science to get individual feedback on their on-going research projects and to learn about various applications of QCA in empirical research. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss QCA as ‘an approach’ and ‘a technique.’ The discussion will be structured around good practices in QCA research such as transparency of data collection, justification of calibration anchors, interpretation of QCA solutions, and robustness of QCA results.


The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars working on housing regimes and housing financialization. We welcome contributions that examine local contexts or study the relations between structure and political agency. The main questions of the workshop are how can we understand structure and agency in the case of housing and housing finance? What is the role of different stakeholders (the market, the state, local authorities, social movements, etc.) in housing regimes? What would a contextual analysis of housing regimes entail? Do local contexts matter and how could they matter?

Applicants are asked to submit proposals for stand-alone research papers. These can, and in most cases usually are part of the PhD candidate’s thesis project, but the proposed papers should be clearly different from a chapter of the thesis’ manuscript or a prospectus. A typical proposal should be around 350 words. It should clearly state the aim of the paper, identify a research problem, and should include the literature strand in which the research fits.


Proposals should be submitted in .doc or .docx format, and should comply with the following formal requirements: (1) include a title, (2) include a set of keywords (up to 5), (3) should not include identifiable information about the author within the document, (4) follow a standard filename format: SURNAME_Givenname_Institution_ADC2019proposal.docx

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Proposals should be sent to no later than February 18, 2019.

The submissions will be subjected to an evaluation by the organizing committee in partnership with professors affiliated with the Doctoral School. Papers will be selected for participation in the Conference on the basis of merit.

Decisions about the acceptance of proposals (including the panel they will be selected for) will be communicated by the organizing committee shortly after the submission deadline. Participants whose proposal is accepted for presentation need to submit the full paper (5000-8000 words) by the 20th of March. Participants whose proposals were not accepted for presentation may (and in the case of CEU students are required) to participate at the conference with a poster, which they will present at a separate poster session.

There is a limited amount of funds available to cover the accommodation of participants which the organizing committee will award on a competitive basis. For students in the earlier stages of their career, the conference is an opportunity to train for a first contribution to a scientific conference. For students the conference provides an opportunity to gain valuable feedback from senior academics and peers alike. Please note that participation at the conference for PhD students beyond their first year at CEU’s Doctoral School for Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations is mandatory. However, students from other universities and institutions from all around the world are encouraged to submit proposals.

For further information about the conference, please contact: CEU Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations.

Phone: +36 1 327 2612; Email:, Web:

