Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research 2013 goes to Dorothee Bohle and Bela Greskovits

June 28, 2013

We are really delighted and honored to inform you that the recent book of Dorothee Bohle and Bela Greskovits, Capitalist Diversity in Europe's Periphery, was awarded the 2013 Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research.

This prize, named after the pathbreaking Norwegian comparativist Stein Rokkan, is an academic honor awarded to the author(s)) of a single book-length corpus of scholarly work that made a "very substantial and original contributions in comparative social science research" by the International Social Science Council(ISSC), the University of Bergen and the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).

For more about the Stein Rokkan Prize and the list of previous recipients see



This year, the members of the Rokkan Prize jury included Manfred Schmidt, Ingrid van Biezen, Stein Kuhnle and Klaus Goetz. The prize will be formally awarded at a ceremony at the International Social Science Council's Conference in Montreal, 13-15 October 2013. For more details, pleasee see the official announcement

