Darren Schreiber of CEU in Time magazine

February 19, 2013

Darren Schreiber, postdoctoral research fellow hosted by our department, made it to the front page of Time magazine for his latest research. His neuropolitical research he suggests that people’s party affiliation can be predicted by an 82.9% precision based on the activity of their brain. His research provides empirical evidence that conservatives and liberals use a different part of their brain when making risky decisions. The research team utilized data from a previous experiment in which participants had to take part in a gambling game. During the game their brain activity was recorded by scientists. Dr. Schreiber’s team took the data of participants’ brain activity and compared it to their publicly available party affiliation. The cross reference of these two groups of data revealed that people with conservative party affiliation used the right amygdala of their brains while liberals used the left insula. Based on this evidence the party affiliation of a person can be predicted with an 82.9% probability.

See the article of Time magazine: newsfeed.time.com/2013/02/19/red-brain-blue-brain-are-there-neurological-differences-between-democrats-and-republicans/

