Gender and Far Right in Europe

Open to the Public
Nador u. 15
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 - 3:00pm
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Wednesday, April 5, 2017 - 3:00pm to 8:00pm
Book launch and workshop

The event is systematic consideration of the link between the extreme right and the discourse about developments in regard to gender issues within different national states. The contributors analyze right-wing extremist tendencies in Europe under the specific perspective on gender. The discussion with the authors of Gender and Far Right Politics in Europe. eds. Michaela Köttig, Renate Bitzan, Andrea Petö, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 brings together the few existing findings concerning the quantitative dimension of activities carried out by men and women in different countries, and illuminates and juxtaposes gender ratios along with the role of women in right-wing extremism. Along with the gender-specific access to right-wing groups, the lectures look at networks, organizational forms, specific strategies of female right-wing extremists, their ideologies (especially regarding femininity and masculinity), hetero normativity, discourses on sexuality, and preventive and counter-strategies. 

The event is organized in cooperation with the Department of Gender Studies, the Department of Political Science and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Budapest.

Participation is free of charge but requires registration by 2 April at this link.

The Facebook event page of the forum is available here.


3.00 pm – 3.30pm: Registration

Andrea Pető, Professor, Department of Gender Studies, CEU, Budapest

3.30pm – 4.00 pm: Opening remarks 

Jan Niklas Engels, Director, FES Budapest
Zsolt Enyedi, Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU
Elissa Helms, Head of Department, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

4.00- 5.30 pm: Case studies

Between German Nationalism and Anti-Muslim Racism: Representations of Gender in FPÖ
Carina Klammer, PhD student, University of Vienna

Marine Le Pen and the Conquest of France
Valérie Dubslaff, PhD student, University Paris-Sorbonne

The Rise of the AfD and Gender Issues in Germany
Juliane Lang,  Research Network Women and the Far Right 

The Impact of Right Women’s Organizations on Political and Social Discourses in Poland
Marta Zimniak-Hałajko, Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw 

Glorified Women in the Shadows of Capable Men? The Extreme Right and Gender Issues in Slovakia
Alena Kluknavská, University of Brno

The (Non-)Symbolic Glue: The Ambivalent Position of the Hungarian Far Right on Gender Issues 
Anikó Félix, sociologist, Peripato Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and ELTE

5.30- 6:00 pm: Coffee break

6.00 – 8.00 pm: Panel discussion – Lessons for politics

Tamás Boros, Policy Solutions 
Zsolt Enyedi, CEU
Anikó Gregor, ELTE University 
Bulcsú Hunyadi, Political Capital
Edit Inotai, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy 
Zoltán Lakner, deputy chief editor, 168 óra 
András Stump, senior fellow, Heti Válasz

8:00 pm: Finger buffet

English-Hungarian interpretation is provided.

see also:
