Workshop on Academic Practice - LaTeX

CEU Community + Invited Guests
Nador u. 11
Thursday, November 3, 2016 - 3:30pm
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Thursday, November 3, 2016 - 3:30pm to 5:20pm

The Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations invites you to an academic workshop on: 


Thursday, 03.11.2016, 3:30 p.m. | N11, ROOM 004

Invitation | The workshop will introduce LaTeX to the audience, and present a few of the steps needed to create a simple article (class paper, working paper, or conference submission) in this typesetting program. While nothing can replace Microsoft Word in terms of user base and intuitive interface, LaTeX has a few advantages over it when it comes to specific document types. It has unparalleled stability when it comes to large documents (theses, books, or technical reports) with many cross-references, tables, graphs and sections. It can easily communicate with software like R and Stata to make exporting statistical results or graphs automatic. It is platform-independent and software independent, meaning you can prepare a paper in anything from Notepad to Vim, on a tablet, phone, or Mac/Linux/Windows/BSD/Solaris system. In this sense, it is ideal for collaboration on shared documents.

The instructor for this workshop will be Constantin Manuel Bosancianu, a PhD student who, among other things, has taught a short LaTeX course in ECPR’s Methods School.

Prior knowledge of LaTeX is not required. However, participants are expected to bring their own laptops during the tutorial. Participants need not have LaTeX installed on their own computer. Rather, they can just sign up for a free account for ShareLaTeX, an online-based LaTeX system which works from a browser:

If, however, participants would like to install LaTeX directly on their system, please use TeXLive (for Mac, Windows or Linux) or MikTeX (for Windows), along with TexStudio (a free code editor for LaTeX). All this software is freely available over the Internet – the web pages where they are hosted contain easy to follow installation instructions.

