Territorial Autonomy in the European Perspective

Monday, November 12, 2012 - 10:00am to Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - 10:00am


You are cordially invited to the international scientific conference on

 "Territorial Autonomy in European Perspective"

on 12-14 November, 2012

in Ustron, Poland,

jointly organized by the Institute of Political Science and Journalism at the University of Silesia, the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, the Metropolitan University Prague and the Department of Political Science at the Central European University.

The issue of territorial autonomy as a form of government in the regions now deserves special scientific interest. Many years of extensive experience in several European countries, particularly Italy and Spain, as well as the traditions of the Second Republic and the current social challenges in our country, justify the need for a scientific debate. This is also evidenced by changes in the dynamics of political systems, decentralization processes, and changes in the functioning of political parties and party systems of democratic states. Multifaceted social changes encourage in-depth research and analysis of the interdisciplinary character.  

Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica

The conference will focus not only on the scientific debate about the forms of local and regional activities in the political transformations taking place in the functioning of the regions, or the determination of the system and the characteristics of each type of autonomy. It also has to encourage comparative research on the functioning of the countries and regions that are in contact with the issue of autonomy. The aim of the conference is the exchange of views between the scientific, political, and representatives of organizations that promote autonomous ideas. There will also be an opportunity to evaluate and summarize the current state of research in this field.

The scientific debate will focus on the following issues:

1st The theoretical aspects of modern territorial autonomy.

2nd Territorial Autonomy in Europe - the experience of the political system.

3rd History of Silesia territorial autonomy.

4th Prospects for the Polish territorial autonomy.

5th Regional and local parties and party systems.

It is planned to publish the conference proceedings papers in the monograph.

You can find more details on the conference at http://www.autonomia.us.edu.pl