Fighting Corruption: Is There A Market-based Alternative?

Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 1:00pm
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Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm
The Political Science Department  
cordially invites you to attend the public lecture 

 Fighting Corruption: Is there A Market-based Alternative?

given by 

Codru Vrabie

Civil Society Representative
National Integrity Council, Romania


Chair: Agnes Batory (DPP)

Venue: Monument Building, Room 201
Time: 13.00, 1 December 2011 

Reception to follow.

Codru Vrabie, a former director and board member of Transparency International, Romanian Chapter, currently a trainer and consultant in the field of public administration and public service reform in Romania, has more than 10 years working experience in advocacy NGOs in Romania and South-Eastern Europe. He also has professional training certificates in advocacy and training of trainers. He has a remarkable international experience in non-profit and public management, administrative capacity and institution building, strategic development, fighting corruption and transposing provisions of acquis communautaire.

Vrabie serves as the civil society representative on the National Integrity Council, which is a representative body in charge of supervising the National Integrity Agency (in charge of verifying and sanctioning conflicts of interests and unjustified wealth).

Vrabie is committed to initiate pathways of good administration, (new) public management and anti-corruption, as well as to elaborate on new approaches to communicating policy decisions, legislation and government actions for citizens, taking into consideration their most intimate needs, interests and aspirations. While being a steering committee member at Freedom of Information Advocates Network, he actively promotes information-sharing among civil society organizations and stands for the right of everyone to ask questions of governments and to receive answers.