Political Psychology Networking Conference for the Post-Communist Region

Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Popper Room (102), please see program description for details
Friday, November 25, 2011 - 1:00pm
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Friday, November 25, 2011 - 1:00pm to Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 4:00pm

The Political Behavior Research Group (PolBeRG) at the Central European University (CEU) together with the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) cordially invites you to the Political Psychology Networking Conference for the Post-Communist Region. Conference will be held this fall at the Central European University in Budapest (November 25-27, 2011). Keynote speakers for the conference will include Dinka Corkalo Biruski (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb), Bert Klandermans (ISPP President and Professor at Vrije Universiteit), Alex Mintz (Editor-in-Chief of Political Psychology and Professor and Dean of the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya), and David Redlawsk (Rutgers University).

Lectures and panels will cover the general field of political psychology, particularly on topics related to or with specific implications for the Post-Communist Region in subfields such as (but not limited to):

  • political conflict, violence, and crisis
  • leadership and political personality
  • electoral behavior and public opinion; political communication; political culture, identity, and language
  • political decision making and cognition
  • social inequality and social change
  • new theoretical and methodological developments
  • psychology of survey response

For the Schedule of Political Psychology Networking Conference please click here.

For practical information about Central European University and Budapest please click here.

For the map to Central European University please click here.

For the map of Deak Ferenc Ter to Hotel Central Basilica please click here.

For the map of Deak Ferenc Ter to Central European University please click here.

For the directions to the restaurant please click here.

Further questions should be sent to polberg@ceu.hu  For additional, up to date, information please visit the PolBeRG website at: http://polberg.ceu.hu/


Friday, November 25th
Workshop: Behaviour Genetics
Instructor: Levente Littvay, Central European University
Room: Popper Room, Monument Building.
Panel: Political Psychology Class
Room: Popper, Monument Building.
Opening Lecture: Contextualizing Contestation: Movements, Organizers, and the Internet
Keynote: Bert Klandermans, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and President of ISPP
Room: Auditorium, Faculty Tower
19.45- Reception
Saturday, November 26th
Panel: Leadership
Room: Popper, Monument Building
Chair: Gergo Zavecz, Central European University
Papers: Leader effects in corrupted countries: trust-repair and the selection of “good” (or less
bad) representatives.
Diana Elena Burlacu, Central European University
What do Personality and Leadership Style tell us about the Quality of Democracy?
Bojana Kocijan, Central European University
Simulated democracy and pseudo-transformational leadership in Hungary
György Lengyel and Gabriella Ilonszki, Corvinus University Budapest
Political Representation and Representation of Politicians: the “Think Politician Think
Male” Phenomenon
Monika Kovács, ELTE University Budapest
Presidential character revisited: The role of president-related factors in influencing the
activism of Post-Communist presidents
Philipp Köker, University College London
Disc: Levente Littvay, Central European University
Panel: Personality and Values
Room: Gellner, Monument Building
Chair: Thorsten Faas, Mannheim University
Papers: East vs. West: Mobilization and Political Attitudes in Europe
Jeff Karp and Caitlin Milazzo, University of Exeter
Everything is important, so nothing is extreme: Individual differences in extreme
political attitude formation
Zoltan Fazekas, University of Vienna
Discontent Rather Than Cynicism: Attitudes of Hungarians Towards the Political,
Social, and Legal System
Mihály Berkics, ELTE
Social responsibility or demandingness? About nature of obligation in post-communist
and old democracies in European countries
Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska, University of Gdansk
Jarosław Piotrowski, Social Sciences and Humanities Warsaw School
Mind the Gap - Attitudes Toward the Legal and Political System in Hungary During
Constitutional Flux
Péter Krekó and György Hunyady, ELTE
Disc Paul Weith, Central European University
10:00– 10:30: Coffee Break
Panel: Emotion and Cognition
Room: Popper, Monument Building.
Chair: David Redlawsk, Rutgers University
Papers: The Emotional Voter. An Experimental Study of the Moderating effect of Emotions on
Partisan Behavior
Kiss Zsolt and Sarah B. Hobolt, University of Oxford
State elections in light of the affective-intelligence-model: The (German) Case of
Thorsten Faas, Mannheim University
Polish Regret for the Polish People’s Republic and Nostalgia as a an Emotion
Monika Prusik, University of Warsaw
Political Thinking in Lithuania through the lenses of cognitive schema theory
Ieva Petronytė, Vilnius University
The Cognition of Wage Distribution in the Post-Communist Region Justice Profiles on
the Micro Level
Zsofia Ignacz, Humboldt University of Berlin
Disc: Sebastian Adrian Popa, Central European Universit
Panel: Ethnicity
Room: Gellner, Monument Building
Chair: Gabriella Ilonszki, Corvinus University Budapest
Papers: Communicating nationalism into the national psyche in modern Russia: exploring the
cognitive and emotive aspects of ultranationalist symbols
Dennis Zuev, Center for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-ISCTE), Lisbon
Signs of ethnic conflicts on prison graffiti in Hungarian prisons
Gergely Fliegauf, Rendőrtiszti Főiskola (Police College), Budapest
Socioeconomic status and ethnicity in relation to severity of psychiatric diagnosis
inpost-war Croatia
Ivana Begić
The Normality of Racism: Effects of the Perceived Normative Context on the Anti-
Roma Prejudice of Hungarian Adolescents
Luca Váradi, Humboldt University of Berlin
Peace Education as Instrument for prevention of Violence
Nusreta Kepeš, University Bihac, Zenica
Disc: Dinka Corkalo Biruski, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb
12:00-13:00: Lunch break
Lecture: Integroup reconciliation: The „unbearable lightness“ of saying, the unbearable
heaviness of doing it
Keynote: Dinka Corkalo Biruski, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb
Room: Popper, Monument Building
Panel: Political Behaviour
Room: Popper, Monument Building
Chair: Paul Weith, Central European University
Papers: Ruptures of the frozen surface – The changing political reality of the 2010 elections and
a path analysis of voting behaviour
Krisztián Pósch, ELTE
Post-communist mentality: Theoretical framework, empirical evidence and prevailing
Martina Klicperová-Baker, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Leader traits and the personalization of voting Behaviour in Romanian National
Andrei Gheorghiţă, Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu
The role of political information in “attitude congruent” electoral decisions
Sebastian Adrian Popa, Central European University
Disc: Jeffry Karp, Exeter University
Panel: International Relations and Conflict Resolutions
Room: Gellner, Monument Building.
Chair: Alex Mintz, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the
Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.
Papers: Russian Foreign Policy Held Captive by its Psychological Complexes
Elena Kropatcheva, University of Hamburg
Permanent social threat, challenge for building democratic society
Eleonora Serafimovska and Marijana Markovik, Institute for Sociological Political
and Juridical Research-Skopje
Permanent social threat, challenge for building democratic society
Paszkál Kiss, Eötvös Lorán University
Stereotyping in Conflict: the Case of the Russo-Georgian War
Dmitry Chernobrov, St. Andrews University
The struggle for reparation of refugee torture survivors in Hungary
Adrienn Kroo, University of Pécs
Disc: Erin Jenne, Central European University
15:30– 16:00: Coffee Break
Panel: Political Information
Room: Popper, Monument Building
Chair: Sebastian Adrian Popa, Central European University
Papers: Authentic personal civic-schema and its consequences for political information
Plamen Dimitrov, Bulgarian Psychological Society
Nadia Mateeva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Political Cognitions in Interaction - the Generational Gap in Post-communist Bulgaria
Post-communist Bulgaria
Alina Dobreva, BBSS Gallup, Bulgaria
“Correct Voting” in Direct Legislation
Thomas Milic, University of Berne
Aware But Mistrustful – Hungarian Laypeople’s Knowledge of Legal Terms, Support
for Values of the Constitutional State and (Mis)trust in Jurisdiction
Krisztián Pósch, ELTE
The influence of question format on the reliability of political knowledge scales
Paul Weith and Gabor Toka, Central European University
Disc: David Redlawsk, Rutgers University
Panel: Political Participation and Mobilization
Room: Gellner, Monument Building.
Chair: Cosmin Artimof, Central European University
Papers: Listening to Radicals: The Findings of the European Study of Youth Mobilisation
Jeffrey Stevenson Murer and Oliver Lauenstein, St. Andrews University
Authoritarian political culture and citizen participation: A comparative study of
established and post-communist European democracies
Andrej Kirbiš, University of Maribor
Giving Up On Politics: The Political Consequences of Learned Helplessness
Inta Mierina, University of Warsaw
A Case of Shoe Leather Trumping Clicks - Online/Offline Mobilization and Voter
Engagement in the 2009 European Parliament
Constantin Manuel Bosancianu, Central European University
(Small) Talk that matters: patterns of social networks and political discussion in new
Oana Lup, Central European University
Disc: Bert Klandermans, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Lecture: How leaders make decisions? Evidence from computerized experiments
Keynote: Alex Mintz, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the
Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Editor of Political Psychology
Room: Auditorium, Faculty Tower.
21:00 - Hosted dinner
Sunday, November 27th
Panel: Political Psychology class
10:00– 10:30: Coffee Break
Panel: Attitudes
Room: Popper, Monument Building
Chair: Oana Lup, Central European University
Papers: Shaping and modelling average personality in process of long lasting transition – case of
the Republic of Macedonia
Marijana Markovik and Eleonora Serafimovska, Institute for Sociological Political
and Juridical Research-Skopje
Authenticity of egalitarian political bias as moderator of relationships between
socioeconomic status and self-esteem
Plamen Dimitrov, Bulgarian Psychological Society
Nadia Mateeva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sources of Tolerance: Individual Psychological Predispositions or Environmental
Lenka Drazanova, Humboldt University of Berlin
Happier in communist times? Passeism and subjective well-being in Post-Communist
Sergiu Bălţătescu, University of Oradea
Social and economic status as a factor of value-orientational self-determination of the
Ukrainian citizens
Vadym Vasiutynskyi, Institute of Social and Political Psychology Kyiv
Disc: Zoltan Fazekas, University of Vienna.
Panel: Ideology
Room: Gellner, Monument Building
Chair: Diana Elena Burlacu, Central European University
Papers: Conspiratorial thinking, ideological and historical cleavages in Croatia
Nebojša Blanuša, University of Zagreb
Connection between need for closure and political conservatism
Lantos Nóra Anna, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Nóra Ven, University of Szeged, Institute of Psychology,
Szabolcs Gergő Harsányi, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and
Psychology, University of Szeged, Institute of Psychology
Measuring a whole Concept with only one Item
Ágnes Szabó, Judit Fodor, Balázs, Fehér and Nóra Miklós, ELTE
Ádám Szabó, Corvinus University of Budapest
Support for Civil Liberties and Paths To Taking Action for Human Rights in Hungary
Judit Kende, ELTE
Psychological and physiological predictors of traditional family values
Levetne Littvay, Central European University
Disc: Zsolt Enyedi, Central European University
12:00-13:00: Lunch break
Lecture: Behavioral Decision Theory and Information Processing
Keynote: David Redlawsk, Rutgers University
Room: Popper, Monument Building
Workshop: A workshop on dynamic process tracing: Collecting data as decisions are made
Instructor: David Redlawsk, Rutgers University
Room: Popper, Monument Buildin