Structures and Futures of Europe - 17th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Political Science Association (Budapest)

Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Auditorium, Popper, Gellner, 201, 202, 203
Friday, May 20, 2011 - 9:00am
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Friday, May 20, 2011 - 9:00am to Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 7:00pm


17th Annual Conference of the Hungarian Political Science Association (Budapest)

20-21 May, 2011

European political structures are facing new challenges. The Lisbon Treaty, after so many setbacks, has come into force in a period when the economic crisis has threatened the EU’s most widely known project, the Eurozone. The effective coordination of national economic policies appears to be more necessary than ever, but it is unclear what new forms of cooperation will emerge among governments, community institutions and markets. Enlargement continues to pose a challenge, while the integration of the new members is, in many respects, still rather a hope than a reality. The EU provides economic and political stability in its close neighborhood, but failure to increase its competitiveness raises questions about its global relevance. The political and academic debates concerning the “democratic deficit” focus the attention on the issue of legitimacy in a multilevel political system, without, however, producing a coherent set of institutional reforms.

Given this context, and given the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Hungarian PSA’s Annual Meeting this year focuses on European integration, broadly conceived.

Plenary lectures:

Keynote speakers:

Andrew Moravcsik (Princeton)

Are Criticisms of Europe’s “Democratic Deficit” Consistent with Basic Political Science?

Philippe C. Schmitter (EUI/CEU)

The Future of Democracy in Europe and in the European Union


Roundtable sponsored by the CEU Center for European Research on political parties in the European Union:

Robert Ladrech (Keele/College of Europe)

Kenneth Benoit (LSE/CEU)

Jacques Thomassen (Twente)


Closing lecture:

Tibor Navracsics (Minister of the Public Administration and Justice, Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary)

Managing the European Union: Academic versus Ministerial Perspectives


Participation fee (includes lunch, dinner, two receptions and an organized tour to the Hungarian Parliament): 80 €, for students 20 €, for HPSA members: 10.000 Ft.  Address inquires to 

Venue: The Károlyi-Csekonics  Palace and Central European University