ESCAS Conference 2009

Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Thursday, September 3, 2009 - 12:00am
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Thursday, September 3, 2009 - 12:00am to Saturday, September 5, 2009 - 12:00am

The European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) and Central European University (CEU) invite scholars to attend the ESCAS XI Conference, to be held on September 3-5, 2009, in Budapest. The event will be hosted by the Asia Research Initiative at Central European University.

European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS)

ESCAS emerged out of an informal collaboration among Europe-based scholars with the purpose of promoting joint research and interdisciplinary studies on Central Asia in 1985. Cooperation was later institutionalized in 1995 when the Society was established. ESCAS holds bi-annual conferences on Central Asian Studies in Europe. For more information see:

Asia Research Initiative (ARI)

The CEU Asia Research Initiative is a research center established in 2009 to conduct research, generate and disseminate knowledge on Asia. ARI takes a multi- and inter-disciplinary approach to studying social, political, economic and cultural dynamics in the region in partnership with academic institutions, governmental and intergovernmental organizations, and civil society.

For more information about registration and for a preliminary program, vsit the conference website at:

Registration fee for the conference:
Regular fee ESCAS members: 50 EUR
Reduced fee ESCAS members (for participants from Central Asian states): 25 EUR
Non-members: 100 EUR

For more information and for instructions on online payments, contact Stela Garaz at: escas2009 [at] ceu [dot] hu

Organizing committee:
Matteo Fumagalli (CEU), Stela Garaz (CEU), Zifa Auezova (Leiden University), Tommaso Trevisani (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin), 

Catherine Poujol (INALCO, Paris), Peter Finke (University of Zurich), Ayse Gunes-uAyata (Middle East Technical University, Ankara), Touraj Atabaki (Leiden University), Irina Morozova (German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg)